Getting Started
Unit 1: Before Columbus
Unit 2: The Explorers
Unit 3: The Spanish Empire
Unit 4: The French and the English
Unit 5: The North and the South
Unit 6: Mid-Atlantic Colonists & Natives
Unit 7: The Colonial Experience
Unit 8: European Rivalries
Unit 9: Revolution
Unit 10: Constitutions

2.3 – Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus

Unit 2, Session 3

Before You Read

Before getting into the session, print or download today’s guided notes, then fill them out as you read. You can also listen to the entire session as you follow along, using the audio player below. Once you’ve made your way through the session material, test your knowledge by taking the session quiz.

* Note: The guided notes and rubrics for the graded items in this session can be found in the Materials tab above.


After this session you will be able to:
  • identify several countries of the West Indies on a map
  • describe the origins and outcomes of Columbus’s journeys to the New World
  • explain some of the causes of Columbus’s failed colonization efforts

2.3 Audio – Christopher Columbus

2.3 Timeline – Christopher Columbus

Columbus moves to Lisbon
Columbus in Iceland?
Columbus's First Voyage
Second Voyage
Third Voyage
Fourth Voyage

Eclipse – On his fourth and last voyage to the Americas, Columbus reportedly won a measure of local favor by predicting a lunar eclipse.


Click the first topic below to dive into this session (2.3 – Christopher Columbus).

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